Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WOW, it's turning into a busy year - I got another 5 weddings since my last post! Thanks for your support and your encouragement!

By the way, the photos you now see on the homepage are placeholders for better pics. Since Dreamline Imagery of Lafayette has a new look/feel, I thought I'd wait until I made the upgrade before I posted new pics. The problem - indecisiveness. I can't decide which of my Lafayette, Indiana wedding photography to post. I also have Chicago and Indianapolis wedding photography as well.

See you next time! Have a great week!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another day done and one more closer to Spring! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of cold weather. I know - quit griping, right? :)

Anyway, just a note to let you know that Dreamline Imagery's site has evolved once again. After much research, I've decided to partner with SmugMug. This not only makes your online viewing and ordering experience, quick, easy and professional, it makes it quick and painless for me too. This frees up time to do other things, like shoot photos and talk to customers, which helps keep costs down. My goal is to have your wedding uploaded no more than 1 week after your event.

In the next few days, I'll be uploading more galleries as well.

One note to my customers - I removed the calendar link, so if you're booked for 2009, don't worry - you're still booked. The homepage looked really busy and I decided to remove a few links. Not to mention, I'd prefer a potential customer to call me directly as cancellations do occur and I'd hate to lose a possible customer to assumption.

Well, have a great weekend and keep your chin up - It's going to be in the 60's next week - WOOHOO!