Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hi guys. Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

As you can see, I've updated the Dreamline Imagery website. New is our online storefront. Prints of all sizes and other products will soon be available. I'm narrowing down my choices on whom I'll be using exclusively. The final contingency is keeping prices as low as possible.

I also want to point out that Dreamline Imagery is all about options for you. We offer packages for everyone's budget and am quite sure that you'll be pleased with everything Dreamline Imagery has to offer - from our expert photography to our exceptional customer service.

Thanks - have a great week!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Just had a really bizarre experience with a potential customer. A couple days ago, they were really interested and ready to sign up - so they said. I got my presentation and sales materials prepared, and then, this morning, out of the blue, cold as a cucumber, this client calls and says they're no longer interested in Dreamline - no explanation, just hello and goodbye. I started to wonder - "did I do something wrong?" I mean, I never got the chance to even meet with them.

This leads me to write this blog about rejection.

Rejection is, I suppose, something we can't do anything about - either personally or professionally. While you can do your best to share your passion with potential clients, the final decision on who they're going to use as their photographer is theirs and ultimately they're going to do what they want.

In business, the question is what leads them or detracts them from doing business with you and in this case, since I had no interaction with the potential client, I can only assume they went with the competition or decided to have a friend do it (shudder). I was dealing directly with the groom, and let's face it, most of the time, the bride makes the decision.

Yes, I've been blown off before; this isn't the first time, no. But the competitive spirit in me wants a level playing field, which isn't always realistic. Even when I work directly with the bride at times her parents, his parents, other parties involved, factor into a direction going solidly one way one moment, and then without warning, a 180-degree reversal the next.

So in thinking it through logically, while my marketing plan is solid , I think I'm doing the right thing from a business standpoint. My price/value offerings are the best around, my focus is on the client - how can I do the best possible job for the fees I charge? I do professional work; I streamline my workflow; I make myself 110% available to the client and always am open to their ideas and desires in the final product - what more can I do?

The answer - I can't. I face the fact that as hard as I try, I'm not going to get all the business that's out there and sometimes the brass ring is going to elude me.

I'm just going to pick myself up, dust myself off and move on.

That was theraputic! I feel better now :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good evening, world!

I'm getting a lot more attention to my business and I thought I'd better post the dates I have booked. Here's the low-down for 2009; I'm booked on: March 28; April 4; May 30; June 13; June 20; July 5; July 19; July 25. August through the remainder of the year is wide open, though I am meeting with a client Saturday, for a November 21 event. Still, there are plenty of dates open and if I'm booked, I have a ton of friends in this industry who are available.

I'm looking forward to spring. Saturday, it's supposed to be 54 degrees - WOOHOO! Yes, it's supposed to rain on that day, but who cares!

Talk soon


Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Monday!

OK, yes, I got some sleep. Not nearly enough, but that's what coffee's for.

I posted my print pricing for 2009 today. Note that I offer both ala-carte AND package pricing.

Lafayette, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Northern Indiana, Chicago, the Midwest in general - if any of these locations is on your list as choice of destination for your wedding, give us a call. 765-563-6109!
Just posted my new prices for '09. Remember, I'm a photographer in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana; Indianapolis; Fort Wayne, South Bend, Chicago, Northern Indiana and Illinois; heck, I'm available in the entire Midwest, so keep that in mind, if you would, when you need a quality photographer.

I'm also pleased to announce the addition of a partner to Dreamline Imagery, who also happens to be MY partner, my wife. Brenda Schueler is formally now on board as a second shooter and assistant. Welcome, my lovely!

Well, I just sent out a mass mailing and I'm bushed. It's 3:20 in the morning and I need some shut eye. One of these days, I'll actually start posting some pics - hey, there's a novel idea for the photographer - posting pics.

Good night!