Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hi everyone!

Hope you're keeping warm - MAN, has it been COLD this week. BRRRRR.

Well, here's something to warm you up -- I now have my 2009 Weddings Slide show w/portfolio posted for all to see!

Just go to the homepage and check it out. This is my first foray into webshows, so bear with me :)

I'm still booking for 2009 and 2010, so if you're in the market for a passionate photographer, I'm your man!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

This year has started out busy with a couple of weddings with a local studio and my friend Dave, as well as a Bar Mitzvah up in Chicago for my friend Jody. I've got plenty of openings, so if you need a reasonably-priced wedding/event photographer, give me a call - (765) 563-6109.

Again, my Bride's Best Friend package starts at $750 an includes the entire day, an assistant and the DVD!
